Changes in the Landscape of Worker’s Compensation
The Worker’s Compensation Advisory Committee periodically proposes changes to the body of law governing worker’s compensation in Wisconsin. These changes are generally adopted by the legislature without issue and signed into law by the governor. One of these proposals has taken the form of 2015 Wisconsin Act 180 which took effect on March 2, 2016. Notable changes as a result of the Act include increased rates for disability, reductions in the statute of limitations for certain claims, and a total bar of claims for injury or death in the workplace resulting from a violation of the employer’s drug and alcohol policy.
For a more in-depth analysis of the recent changes made to Wisconsin’s worker’s compensation laws, see this interesting March 16, 2016 article published by Michael H. Gillick in the State Bar of Wisconsin’s InsideTrack:
If you have been injured in the workplace, contact Attorney John M. Kelly today to discuss your options for possible compensation.